Checklist for EECS TAs

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The following is a checklist of the tasks that a TA should do. [This article needs to be expanded!]


Before the term

Contact the professor about your tasks

Some professors like to ask the TAs to work on some aspects of the subject before the term starts. While your appointment does not officially start until two weeks before Registration Day, this can immensely reduce time pressure. Also, tasks like figuring out what lab equipment is needed would be good to work out ahead of time so that you have time to order

Complete safety training (if applicable)

Hire graders and lab assistants (if applicable)

If you wait until Registration Day to start hiring, many of the good students will have already committed themselves to UROPs or other things.

Reserve the rooms necessary for quizzes, reviews, etc.

All the good rooms around campus get taken early.

Around Registration Day

Meet with Lisa Bella to schedule tutorials (if applicable)

Head TAs and most TAs should receive an e-mail from Lisa Bella for a meeting on Registration Day. Most undergraduate subjects hold multiple tutorials in rooms that are shared with other EECS subjects, so it is important that each subject has at least one representative at the meeting to coordinate this.

Pick up office keys

Lisa Bella will assign each TA a TA office. She will let you know where you can pick it up.

Meet with all TAs and graders or lab assistants

Once you have set up a grading system and lab policies with the other TAs, meet with the graders and LAs to talk about how grading or lab assisting will work. Making sure everyone is on the same page can prevent lots of misunderstanding later!

After the term is over

Return keys, kits, books, etc.

Clean up the Athena course locker

Make sure that all important data (exams, grades) are backed up elsewhere.

Be on the lookout for next term's TAs for that subject asking for advice

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