Office hours

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Office hours are regularly scheduled opportunities for students to interact with teaching staff outside of class.


Good office hour policies


TAs for most EECS subjects provide at least two hours per week of office hours for students. The exact amount is dependent on the subject itself, needs of the students, and constraints on TA time.


It is generally recommended that, unless the students do not mind, TAs for undergraduate subjects not schedule their office hours between 5 PM and 7 PM on weekdays because these time slots are reserved by MIT for sports and other activities. Most students also appreciate having office hours one or two days before assignments are due so that as they work, they can ask TAs for help.


Since most people like regularity in their schedule, TAs should try to establish the same time every week as their office hours. If this is difficult or impossible, then at least notify students well in advance.

Poor office hour policies

Cancelling office hours

Some TAs have a habit of cancelling office hours when no one shows up. (To be completed...)